Demo reels, auditions, and who I've been cast as go here! Please give a listen!
DiamondCrystalMovies' The Fairytale War: The Magical Twins: Onix and Malachite (BigBabyDollEyes)

KHCrazyGirls' The Wish: Alice (BigBabyDollEyes)

Genderlesspickle's Under The Covers: Shantelle (BigBabyDollEyes)

WonderlandCassidy's Harvest Moon: Family Treasure: Muffy and Simon (WonderlandCassidy)

PixieBaby321's Playing Fate: Rayne and The Puppetress (RulerOFWorlds) (Series cancelled Channel Deleted)

KingRevusDumas's Audio Light Novel Sword Art Online: Lizbeth, Yui, and Scilica(MAYBE) (WonderlandCassidy)
XxLittleAngelCakexX's Chasing Dreams: Mrs. Elias (BigBabyDollEyes)
Sparkleberryism's All in the Family: Audrey and Asha (BigBabyDollEyes)​

WonderlandCassidy's Rune Factory 2: When Summer Becomes Winter-Julia (WonderlandCassidy)​

BigBabyDollEyes' Doll Sisters-Emily​​​ (BigBabyDollEyes)

BigBabyDollEyes' Freaks of Nature: Marie-Claire (BigBabyDollEyes)

BigBabyDollEyes' From Dreams to Insanity: Amy (BigBabyDollEyes)

​​​​​​​​crystalcoveseries' Crystal Cove: Charlene Stone (BigBabyDollEyes/WonderlandCassidy)

RulerOFWorlds' Pucca Abridged: Pucca, Garu, Abyo, Uncle Dumpling, Ho, Linguine, Ssoso, Santa, Destiny, Clown, Shaman, Bruce, EXTRAS​​ (RulerOFWorlds)
Demo Reels and Auditions: